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What is Malaria?
Malaria is a contagious disease with serious and sometimes fatal consequences. The most serious form is malaria tropica. The disease is transmitted by mosquito bite and the mosquitoes are active from sunset. To reduce the risk of contracting malaria, you should wear clothing that covers your body as much as possible after sunset. A mosquito net, possibly impregnated with mosquito repellent, will provide extra protection. DEET is also an effective mosquito repellent. The first symptoms of malaria resemble those of flu: achy muscles, fever and headache. Shortly after onset of the disease, the fever worsens and the patient starts to shake, experience diarrhoea and vomit. Diagnosis can be made with a simple blood test. The disease must be treated immediately in order to prevent disastrous consequences. But prevention is better than cure. A vaccination is being developed, but is not yet available. There are however various types of medication for preventing malaria. The right medication for you will depend on the purpose of your travel and the circumstances. Personal circumstances such as mental condition and pregnancy or the desire to have children also play a role in the decision.